Using Commercial Purging Compounds

By John Pizzo, Sun Plastech, Inc. Have questions or doubts about the use of a commercial purging compound (CPC) prevented you from using one? Perhaps...

The Operational Impact of the Morning Huddle

An ownership transition at SPI Industries, South Bend, IN, triggered a re-evaluation of operational methodologies throughout the plant. With a desire to "turn the...

Disaster Recovery Plan, Business Interruption Insurance Avert Catastrophe for MAPP Member

On a Thursday morning in March, the maintenance staff at Viking Plastics, Corry, PA, was performing the daily exterior walk-around. An oil leak was...

Water Leaks Lead to Unscheduled Mold Downtime

by Steve Johnson, ToolingDocs LLC As most mold maintenance audits reveal, both internal and external water leaks continue to be the front running causes of...

Seven Steps to Avoid Mistakes in Business Sales

By Josef Keglewitsch, Ice Miller LLP The mere fact that an owner has successfully built and operated a business does not necessarily translate into that...

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