My Business Resolution for 2015: Stop Playing Favorites

by Dianna Brodine, Plastics Business

When it came time to list my goals for 2015, there were all sorts of ways for me to write them. For one, in particular, I could have gone hog-wild:

  • Find new sources of editorial content.
  • Explore and enlist additional resources for articles.
  • Reach out to industry experts on critical topics.

I’m a writer and editor – I could say the same thing in different ways for days on end! But, what it boils down to is this: I need to stop playing favorites. And, you do, too.

When it’s time to review the editorial calendar for each issue of the magazine, I look at the article topics and decide which processors and/or suppliers I should reach out to for a contribution. All too often, I call on the same companies. These companies are terrific examples of what an injection molder should look like. They often are performing tasks at a high level, with innovative processes in place and well-trained staff at the helm. They have something to share – and a willingness to share it – that could benefit other processors around the country.

But …

I reach out to those companies over and over again because it’s easy. They’ve become “my favorites.” I know I can count on those companies to return my calls, contribute quality information on my often-shortened timelines and generally make my job easier.

I’m not the only one, however. You have favorites, too – customers you call on more often, employees you spend more time mentoring and prospects you court just a little harder than all the rest. These aren’t bad things, but they do cut us off from the possibilities that occur when we step away from what is familiar and comfortable.

So, it’s time to be a little uncomfortable. My plan is

  • to make an effort to reach out to new people in every issue.
  • to ask my current “favorites” to introduce me to others in our industry.
  • to make new industry connections at each conference and tradeshow I attend.

Let me know if you plan to join in my resolution for 2015. We may need to form a support group!