Proof Points Help You Sell More

by T.J. Tedesco, Grow Sales, Inc. Related Story At the 2013 MAPP Benchmarking and Best Practices Conference, CJ McClanahan asked the audience what made their...

Are You a Fred? How a Postal Worker Teaches Leadership and Service

by Dianna Brodine, Plastics Business Before I left for the MAPP Benchmarking Conference, I was given a book called The Fred Factor: How Passion in...

Plastic Component Revenue Rising in Cell Phone Market

by IHS Inc. Although Apple Inc.'s iPhone line is a latecomer to the plastic party – with the company recently introducing its first polycarbonate-enclosed model...

Social Media Realm Has No Plastic Rules

by Lisa Allison, Strategic Marketing Partners. The relatively new world of social media is an ever-changing and evolving phenomenon, with not too many concrete guidelines....

Tradeshow Return on Investment

by Dianna Brodine, Plastics Business It can be difficult to know the ROI of attending a conference or tradeshow. Do you measure it in potential...

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