Stout’s Plastics Industry Update Report – 1H 2024

Report submitted on behalf of Stout.

There were 170 plastics industry M&A transactions from January through June 2024, in line with 1H 2023 volume as the market showcases resilience amid continued macroeconomic and geopolitical uncertainty. 

Stout is pleased to present our latest Plastics Industry Update report for the first half of 2024. We hope that you find this report helpful and that it serves as a valuable resource to you in staying up to date on the market. 

We look forward to staying in touch and encourage you to contact us directly if you would like to discuss our perspectives on current market trends or potential M&A opportunities, or to discuss our relevant advisory experience. 

Overview for This Edition: 

  • Key Insights and Observations 
  • M&A Activity Trends 
  • Macroeconomic Update 
  • Plastics Market Trends and Subsector Performance 
  • 2024 Plastics Industry Pulse — Powered by HarbourIQ 
  • Industry M&A Spotlight: Medical Plastics 

Download the Full 1H 2024 Report 

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